Relationship advices from an AI

Am I really that desperate that I asked an AI for relationship advice? YES... Absolutely. Therapy is expensive, so I asked another set of experts. LOL! What problems and solutions have I asked? Curious! Hmmmm.... Here are the problems I presented to the AI and the solutions it provided. Paraphrasing some of it here. I … Continue reading Relationship advices from an AI

Here’s How I created my Podcast

I have always been intimidated and jealous of people who are super confident online and able to set up their own podcast and vlog. Through fellow freelancers' encouragement, I was able to post videos of myself online on TikTok. I don't really know what to post just yet. But to start off, I create videos … Continue reading Here’s How I created my Podcast

Journey to Self-Realization

Going through the process of self-realization (my journey to self-realization) was an emotional roller coaster, with twists and turns I never saw coming. I was battling depression I didn’t know I had - and hitting me with that thought is not exactly a stroll in the park, let me tell you.

Random things of interest: HAIR EDITION How often do you wash your hair? Everyday? Every other day? Twice a week? Once a week? Is your hair greasy? Tons of hair fall? Bald spots? If this is you, I'm sorry. But you are not alone. There are so many reasons why our hair thins out. It could be genetics, hormonal imbalances, … Continue reading Random things of interest: HAIR EDITION

Overwhelming Artificial Intelligence (AI) -powered tools

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Am I the only one overwhelmed by the rise of so many Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered tools? I love AI because it made my job a lot easier. Research had become easier as well. I don't need to go through pages and pages in Google searching for the closest article on … Continue reading Overwhelming Artificial Intelligence (AI) -powered tools

Merry Christmas!

Thank you so much for your support. It has been challenging, but Christmas is when we all come together. May this be a wonderful event, filled with love, joy, and laughter. Let's look at our journey, how we have come so far, and how further we can go. Take your time. Have fun, be merry. … Continue reading Merry Christmas!

In Your Time

Do you know what I've realized so far? You have your own time. No one can pressure into doing something you don't want to do and you're not ready for. So, if you feel overwhelmed, is it probably because you are pushing yourself too far that you're drowning and you don't know what to do? … Continue reading In Your Time

Idea Dump – when overwhelmed

As someone who struggles with consistency, I often find my ideas all over the place. It can be overwhelming. You get paralyzed and then get stuck. You don't know what to do and how to start. I love routine. I love workflow. I like order, organizers, and organization. I am torn between acting on ideas … Continue reading Idea Dump – when overwhelmed

When people refuse to learn…

Can anyone give me suggestions? Seriously, I'm not even joking. How to approach someone who refuses to see it your way or any other way? Only theirs. I am really frustrated with people who you already provided resources, you gave them an idea of what you do and what to do, yet they still prefer … Continue reading When people refuse to learn…

Impatient Newbie Freelancers

Why is it so hard to help newbies? Not a Trainer, but sometimes we all get so complacent and entitled. Freelancing work is mostly independent. If you can't work independently, think twice before applying. I had participated in so many TikTok Live with fellow freelancers, and have people approached me, asking how to become … Continue reading Impatient Newbie Freelancers

What’s your move?

So this is my AHA moment, Based on Page 57 of Your Next Five Moves by Patrick Bet-David. Going through the process of getting more clients, I found the book and somewhat, provided me with ways on how to actually market my services. It is insightful. I remember telling myself that, "I can't compete with … Continue reading What’s your move?

Relationships: 3am Thoughts

There was a time when I really feel like I wasn't enough. Only to find that I am more than enough but they don't want me. Unfortunately, I have been fighting almost every day for a lost cause. For a while now, I have been trying to convince myself that things will work out, that … Continue reading Relationships: 3am Thoughts

When you don’t feel like writing…

Another reason why I haven't been writing that much is because I don't know what to write about. And I think every writer, regardless of whatever you're writing - whether it's for marketing, creative writing, blogs, scripts, etc. - whatever it is, we all come to a point where we just go blank and blah! … Continue reading When you don’t feel like writing…

How to better communicate?

In communication, I realized that there are some things that I need to work on.  Most of the time, communication I get involved in are one-sided (either I’m always talking or others are talking). Not a lot of listening going on. I kinda feel in a loop.  The thing is, when you have been asked … Continue reading How to better communicate?

Where have I been?

I haven't been asked, but I'd like to think someone was looking for me. Although these people are imaginary, I would appreciate if someone ask me why I haven't been posting. A Girl and A Boy looking at the magical sky on the horizon [MidJourney - text to image converter] And as cliché as it … Continue reading Where have I been?

Happy anniversary to me!

I can't believe it's been 14 years since I started in WordPress. Thank you WordPress for all the writing experiences you have given me, for all its ups and downs, for just being there, for the friends I met along the way, for the subscribers who have been there for me. Thank you all so … Continue reading Happy anniversary to me!

My Virtual Assistant Journey

Introduction I’m not sure how I got here, but one day I woke up with a new job title and realized that the last 20 years of my life had been spent doing something else entirely. I’m not complaining though—life has taken me on some pretty interesting adventures since then! Hi! My name is Laddie. … Continue reading My Virtual Assistant Journey

Why I love to travel?

Who among you misses traveling? I do. It doesn't even have to be far. Just a nice change of scenery. I like greens and I do mean, going in a field. I love the fresh air and the serenity of the beach scenes - the blissfulness of it, the cool refreshing waters, etc. You know … Continue reading Why I love to travel?

Are you a Rockstar?

Why did you ask? Might be someone's response. But that's actually the question I saw when I was submitting my applications as a Virtual Assistant. I guess it's a Real Estate term. It draws me to "Rockstar VA" on the title for those looking for Virtual Assistants. Then, they'll enumerate all the responsibilities of a … Continue reading Are you a Rockstar?

A Year in a Glance – 2020 (lookback)

What a journey it has been... When I look back on 2020, it seemed as though the time stood still. It was a long arduous journey. It doesn't look like it will come to an end. The world, as we know it, turned upside down and it seems to be taking longer. 2020 had also … Continue reading A Year in a Glance – 2020 (lookback)